TV Licence Fee Guidance
After the 1st August 2020, the rules around TV Licensing reductions are changing. If you need support understanding what these changes mean for you then please do contact the TV Licensing team on 0300 790 0368, or contact us on 01243 828555.
Changes if you are 75 or older
From the 1st August 2020, anyone over 75 and not claiming pension credit (or able to apply for the discount below) will have to pay the full licence fee.
If you are over 75 and currently have a free licence you will be covered until 31 July 2020.
You do not need to do anything now as TV Licensing will contact you before 31 July to let you know what you need to do.
If you would like more information then call TV Licensing on 0300 790 0368 or visit
Blind Concession TV Licence
This is only for people who are registered blind (severely sight impaired).
Unfortunately you are not entitled to this if you are registered as partially sighted (sight impaired).
If you are registered blind then you are entitled to a ‘blind concession TV Licence’ which gives you 50% off the cost of your TV Licence. As long as the licence is in your name, then it also covers anyone who is living with you.
How to apply:
You’ll need to complete an application form and provide proof of your registration status to claim the blind concession TV Licence. You can fill in the application form online, print the form and then send it with proof of your registration status and payment to:
Blind Concession Group
TV Licensing
DL98 1TL
To prove you are registered (certified) as severely sight impaired, you must send a copy of one of the following two documents:
- the certificate from your eye specialist (ophthalmologist) that states that you are eligible to be certified as severely sight impaired. This is called a CVI (Certificate of Vision Impairment), or BP1 if you live in Scotland
- a certificate or other document issued by, or on behalf of your local authority that shows you are registered as severely sight impaired with them.
Do not send your original documents as TV Licensing only need to see a copy and there is always the risk that you could lose your original document in the post.
Find how much your TV Licence could cost with the 50% reduction here:
If you would like support with your application or need more information call TV Licensing on 0300 790 6117 or visit
We are still here to support you, if you want some assistance or have more questions please do give us a call on 01243 828555.
Find out more about the support & services we are providing members during this time.