Waitrose, Woodhouse Butchery, and Paul’s Greengrocer – All support a local lunch club for people living with sight loss
Each Christmas the Yews Lunch Club of 4Sight Vision Support, invite nearly forty people for a lovely three course Christmas lunch. This is all prepared by their cook, Pam, and served up by the other volunteers. This year Pam’s granddaughter, Trudie, saw a special offer on turkeys online and wanted to buy some for the Club. Unfortunately the price turned out to be wrong and she was very disappointed. However Waitrose, Woodhouse Butchery and Paul’s Greengrocer all stepped into the breach!
‘We were a bit downhearted when we heard that the turkeys at a special rate were not available. Then Trudie said that not only Paul’s the Greengrocer and the Butcher had come forward to help but also Waitrose! We were over the moon as it means we were able to provide a really special Christmas lunch for all our members and volunteers!’ – Jane Aston, the Club Leader
Woodhouse Butchery gave some of their beautiful turkeys, Paul’s provided the fresh vegetables and Waitrose generously gave a £440 donation for all the other food and drink needed for a really splendid feast! Waitrose also sent two of their staff to assist on the day of the lunch, Friday 14th December. Two wonderful ladies helped prepare and serve up all the food. The Group could not be more grateful as enjoying the Club Christmas lunch means so much to them all.
The Club is a very friendly group which helps people with sight loss to get out and meet others with similar problems. Twice a month they provide a home cooked lunch and transport for members to and from the Yews Community Centre in Haywards Heath. All the members are over 70 and the club is run entirely by volunteers.
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If you need help with sight loss issues, want become a member of 4Sight Vision Support, volunteer for us or support our fundraising events across the county, then please call: 01243 828555 or see what services we offer here