Calling all Parents and Carers of Visually Impaired Children and Parents and Carers of children who might have an undiagnosed eye condition

4Sight Vision Support are interested to know your views please. We are doing a ‘Mapping Project’ of children and young people 0-25 years with Visual Impairment as a Primary, Secondary or undiagnosed condition within West Sussex.

We are looking at:
Which Services you use

What is working well or not so well

Gaps in Provision

Best Practice in West Sussex and other Counties

Suitable Activities for your child

Partnership Working

To help us make a difference in the future, we need your views and value your input, thoughts and ideas that count and any other information that you would like to share with us, this would be very helpful and most appreciated.

TO PARTICPATE, contact Susie Brown:

If you would like to take part, please email or telephone me, so I can talk through a short Questionnaire with you over the telephone, this should take about 15 minutes, or if you would like to talk longer I would be happy to.

–This Mapping Project is being carried out over the next four weeks, therefore a quick response would be ideal, RESPONSES NEEDED BY 20th AUGUST.—

Please help us make a better future for you and your child.
Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. 
07434 618914