The role of the Vision Rehabilitation Specialist Team

What does a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist do?

They will look at every aspect of a person’s everyday living that would be affected by sight.  This could be from brushing your teeth to using a computer at work.

How long will a specialist work with someone?

A specialist will work with a person until all their objectives and goals are met.  Their work is not time limited.

Does a person have to be registered to see a specialist?

No they will see anyone who has a serious sight problem that is not corrected by glasses.

How does someone get to see a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist?

There a few ways a person can access their services. 

  • Through registration
  • A referral from the eye clinic
  • Self-referral
  • Another professional

Where are they based?

There are 9 specialist teams in the County – covering the entire county.

How long will a person have to wait to be seen?

When a person goes on the waiting list, it is only a matter of weeks before a date will be made for a visit.

What about someone with a Dual Sensory Loss?

Three of the team are qualified to complete a dual sensory loss assessment in line with The Care Act 2014.

Contact 01243 642121 to make a self referral.